Start of studies in winter term 2024/2025

We are convinced that education is created through interaction and exchange. The interaction between students and lecturers is important, but the exchange between students is also of central importance. The phase of study in particular is a very personality-shaping phase that is determined by these interactions. For this reason, we consider it important to offer physical face-to-face events within the scope of the possibilities available in order to support this exchange.

Here you find all necessary information for successfully managing the first semester at the KIT faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Get started towards you Bachelor degree with the directions below.



Videomessage in German

Information for international students



Support for the start of studies

Vorbereitung auf das Studium
Preparation for the study
Bild Europa-Park
First semester welcome at Europapark
Altes Maschinenbaugebäude MACH
Old mechanical engineering building
Foto eines Programm-Prospekts zum Maschinenbautag KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau/ Foto Fabry
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pre-courses at the MINT-Kolleg

- These courses are held in German only -

Refresh your knowledge of math, chemistry or computer science in the preliminary courses at the MINT-Kolleg Baden-Württemberg before you start your studies and get to know the working techniques at a university. For Bachelor's degree programs, participation in the preliminary mathematics course is especially recommended.

Test your knowledge in the online test of the MINT-Kolleg. Click here for the test.

For more information on the preliminary courses at the MINT-Kolleg, click here.


First semester welcome at Europapark

Traditionally, the bachelor studies start on the first study day in front of and behind the scenes at the Europapark. Let us surprise you.



In the winter semester,the student council organizes the orientation phase (O-Phase) for the first semester students of the bachelor study programs. The focus is on getting to know the KIT campus and the study organization, but also the fellow students.

The events usually take place one week before lectures start and participation is highly recommended in order to start your studies in a more organized way.


Mentoring program

At the start of the studies of the Bachelor students, the KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a mentoring program. Bachelor students in their first and second semester have the opportunity to get to know other students and to receive helpful information on planning their studies within the scope of three events.

Date Location Topic
04.11.2024, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Daimler Lecture Hall, 10.21 Subject advisory service and professional internships
09.12.2024, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Daimler Lecture Hall, 10.21 All about examinations
11.02.2025, 3:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. New Lecture Hall Architecture, 20.40 Studying Abroad


Further information

Many more answers to general questions about the start of your studies can also be found here.