The Internship Office

In the following you will find information about the recognition of the professional internship in the degree programmes of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. If you have any questions, the InSL team will be happy to help you.

You can find more information on internship recognition in the FAQ.

Office hours

Monday to Thursday

In exceptional cases, you can also make an appointment outside office hours: Appointment request

9:30 to 11:30

Visiting address

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Information and Services for Students (InSL) and Internship Office

Old mechanical engineering building
Building 10.91, 2nd floor, R. 225
Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 4
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608 45421 insl∂


RR Rolls Royce plc
Professional Internship Bachelor MACH

Here you can find information about the professional internship for B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering starting with WS 2023/24.

Professional Internship Master MACH

Here you can find information about the professional internship as admission requirement for M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering.

MACH KIT/ Pressestelle
Professional Internship Bachelor MEI

Here you can find information about the professional internship for B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering International starting with WS 2024/25.

Professional Internship MatWerk

Here you can find information about the professional internship for B.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering.

MIT Institut für Strömungsmaschinen; KIT/Markus Breig
Professional Internship MIT

Information on the professional internship for B.Sc. MIT is given by the Internship Office of the Department ETIT.


Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the topic of professional internships.



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