Please note that the questions and answers listed below may be specific to your study program!
If you are unclear or have more in-depth questions, the InSL team will be happy to help.
Further important FAQs about the MEI degree program can also be found here.
General questions
When do I contact InSL?
InSL is responsible for general questions regarding the organization of the degree program and regular inquiries from students of our department. From our contact point, students are referred to the right contact person, e.g. the examination board, if necessary with a concrete appointment. For all international questions you can contact ISIM directly.
When do I contact the subject advisory service?
If you have questions specific to your degree program, please contact the subject advisory service for your degree programs. For Mechanical Engineering, this is InSL. For questions specific to the Materials Science and Materials Engineering program, students may contact the MatWerk Student Advisory Service. Students of the interdepartmental degree program Mechatronics and Information Technology may contact the study program service MIT for program-specific questions. The student advisory services also provide counselling for students changing universities or courses of study and applicants with alternative university entrance qualifications.
When do I contact the examination boards?
The examination boards of the respective study programs are responsible for applications in special cases, such as application for the extension of a deadline (Fristverlängerungsantrag) deadline extensions or application for the second repetition (Zweitwiederholungsantrag).
Can one and the same course have different credit points?
Yes. This depends on the module in question.
How can I register for exams in the Master's program?
You can register for exams online via the student portal
. Further information on this can be obtained from InSL.

What should be considered when withdrawing from exams due to illness?
Notification of illness or withdrawal from the examination must be made to the examining institute. A medical certificate must be submitted to the institute as soon as possible. If the deadline is exceeded, please contact the examination board.
Can examiners also conduct an oral examination in writing and vice versa?
Yes, an examination that is to be conducted in writing can also be conducted orally, and an examination that is to be conducted orally can also be conducted in writing, if the effort involved is unjustifiably high (cf. the respective SPO).
Major fields
Is it possible to choose the same major in both the Bachelor's and the Master's program if the combination of subjects is different?
No. According to the study plan, each brick and each major can only be chosen once in either the Bachelor's or the Master's program.
Is it possible to change the major combination?
Yes, but bricks already examined must be carried over to the new plan.
Semester abroad
How can I have bricks completed abroad in the Mechanical Engineering program recognized?
A form for recognition must be filled out and submitted to the examination board. The procedure and the required documents can be found in this application. Recognition should take place within the semester following the return.
How can I have bricks completed at another university in the Mechanical Engineering program recognized?
A form for recognition must be filled out and submitted to the examination board. The procedure and the required documents can be found in this application. Recognition must take place within one semester after enrollment.
I took "Mathematical Methods" as an elective module in the Bachelor's program. Do I have to take another exam from this module in the Master's program?
"Mathematical Methods" can be chosen in different modules. In the Master's program, an exam from "Mathematical Methods" must be taken in any case, even if you have already taken another course from "Mathematical Methods" with an exam in the Bachelor's program.
Additional credits
What has to be considered when choosing additional credits in the Bachelor's and Master's program?
Additional credits must be registered as such for examination at the Examination Office. The additional credits are included in the Transcript of Records, but the grades are not included in the calculation of the overall grade.
Can additional credits earned in the Bachelor's program be recognized later in the Master's program?
Yes, if they correspond to the subjects of the curriculum. Recognition must take place within one semester after enrollment.
How can I have additional credits from the Bachelor's program recognized in the Master's program?
For each subject that is to be transferred, a form must be filled out and submitted to the Examination Office. Recognition will only take place after enrollment in the Master's program.
Bachelor/Master thesis
Can the bachelor thesis be supervised by the same institute as the master thesis?
Yes. The Bachelor's and Master's programs are two separate programs.
How is the Bachelor's/Master's thesis registered?
The Bachelor's/Master's thesis is created in CAMPUS by the supervising institute and registered there by the student.
By when do I have to apply for the Master's program in Mechanical Engineering?
The application deadline is at the end of each semester (31.03. or 30.09.).
How do I apply for the Master's program?
As with the bachelor's program, the application is made online.
Can I apply for the Master's program if I still have to take exams in the Bachelor's program?
According to §3(3) of the admission statutes (Jui 2024), provisional admission to the program may be granted under certain circumstances if it can be assumed that the bachelor's program will be successfully completed in time before the master's program begins. More information can be found here.
Should I re-register for the bachelor's program if I have applied for the master's program?
Yes, if the bachelor's program has not yet been completed.
I have reached 180 LP, but I am still enrolled in the Bachelor's program and have already received the admission notice for the Master' s program. What do I have to do?
Please follow the instructions in your admission letter.
Information on the allocation of study places
...can be found here.
What do I have to do to obtain a certificate according to § 48 BAföG (Form 5) in the Bachelor's program in Mechanical Engineering?
Please contact the examination board in this regard. Please bring a detailed performance record ("alle Leistungen") with you.
Who do I have to contact for a certificate according to § 15 para. 3/3a BAföG (exceeding the maximum duration of support or assistance for graduation)?
The examination board is responsible for this. Please submit a detailed performance record ("all performances") as well as a schedule with all outstanding examinations.
What do I have to do to obtain a certificate according to § 48 BAföG (form 5) in the bachelor's degree program Mechatronics and Information Technology?
Please contact the study programm service of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with a current transcript of records.
Is the professional internship eligible for funding according to BAföG?
Under certain circumstances yes. Further information can be obtained from the BAföG office.
Is a late re-registration possible after the deadline?
For a late re-registration, please contact the Student Services immediately. There you will receive the purpose for the transfer of the seemster fee.
Can I re-register for the Bachelor if I have already passed all exams?
As soon as you have reached 180 LP (excluding LP in the additional module), re-registration in the Bachelor's program for the next semester is no longer possible.
Duration of studies
What is the maximum duration of study in the Bachelor's degree program?
According to §8(3) of the Study and Examination Regulations of 2016, the examination entitlement in the Bachelor's degree program in Mechanical Engineering expires if the Bachelor's examination has not been taken in full by the end of the ninth semester. Due to the Corona pandemic, the maximum duration of study may be extended (see link).
According to §8(3) of the Study and Examination Regulations of 2023, the examination entitlement in the Bachelor's degree program in Mechanical Engineering expires if the Bachelor's examination has not been taken in full by the end of the tenth semester.
What is the maximum duration of studies in the Master's program?
According to §9 of the Study and Examination Regulations of 2016 , the examination entitlement in the Master's program in Mechanical Engineering expires if the Master's examination has not been taken in full by the end of the seventh semester. Due to the Corona pandemic, the maximum duration of study may be extended (see link).