Study counseling at InSL

Information and Services for Students (InSL)

The team of InSL - Information and Services for Students - advises and supports students of the KIT Department of Mechanical Engineering. It is the first point of contact for students of mechanical engineering courses with regard to general questions such as the course of studies or elective options. Students of materials science and engineering as well as mechatronics and information technology directly contact the persons responsible for their study program.

If necessary, students are referred from InSL to other contact persons such as examination boards or ISIM. The Internship Office is available for questions regarding the professional internship.

Before visiting the office hours, it is worthwhile to have a look at our FAQ. Please note that only the German language homepage is legally binding.

Office hours

Monday to Thursday

9:30 to 11:30 am

Mechanical Engineering International (MEI) consultation hours/winter semester 2024: every Tuesday from 11:30 - 13:00, building 10.23, 3rd floor, room 301.2

In exceptional cases, you can also make an appointment outside of office hours: Appointment request

Visitor address and postal address

Visitor address

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Information and Services for Students (InSL)

Old mechanical engineering building
Building 10.91, 2nd floor, R. 225

Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 4
76131 Karlsruhe

Postal address

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Information and Services for Students (InSL)

Building 10.91, 2nd floor, R. 225

Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe


Phone: +49 721 608 45421 insl∂


Our consulting team

Hillenbrand, Katja

Head of InSL and Subject Advisory Service

Krempel, Stephanie

General Counseling, Internships

Triebel, Verena

General Counseling, Examination Office

Weindel, Anna

General Counseling, Internships


General Counseling/ Subject Advisory Service
Internship Office
Examination Office

For students of the Mechanical Engineering (MACH) and Mechanical Engineering International (MEI)

Examination PhD/ Incoming Students
Study Counseling MIT
Study Counseling MatWerk