Academic Program Mechanical Engineering

Studiengang_Maschinenbau Rolls Royce plc
Foto: Rolls Royce plc.
In the mechanical engineering bachelor's degree, broad basic knowledge from the fields of mathematics and natural sciences and mechanical engineering disciplines is imparted, which is then deepened in specialist events and applied to more complex topics. Your choice of an specialization, a project and the bachelor thesis set tendency-specific accents. In addition, many interesting laboratory internships are offered.
Students can focus their studies on the master’s degree in mechanical engineering in general or choose one of the specializations. Many institutes in which professors, research assistants and students work in special areas of mechanical engineering work together to provide training. Students can actively contribute to the life of the institute as a research assistant and gain a deeper insight into the activities of scientists through their own involvement in highly topical research and industrial projects. By choosing the area of ​​specialization, two other focal points and the topic of their master’s thesis, students align their master’s program with their own areas of interest.

If you have justified questions about the master's degree in mechanical engineering, please contact zk-master-mach@mach