Mechatronics and Information Technology Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
The Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics and Information Technology (MIT) is an interdisciplinary program that combines the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology. The aim of the program is to provide students with a broad knowledge and understanding of the development and use of mechatronic systems. During the course of the program, students acquire fundamental knowledge in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, control engineering, information technology, and automation engineering. Students learn how to combine mechanical, electrical and information technology components to create mechatronic systems. Both theoretical and practical knowledge is taught.
Why studying MIT?
Special features
- In-depth mathematical basics
- Preparatory and support courses in the MINT college
- Holistic approach (design project)
- Master access for KIT graduates without problems
- Insights into large-scale research projects
- Large offer of university groups and side jobs at scientific institutes / laboratories
- KIT Founders' Workshop
- Subject advising MIT by the deans of studies Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Doppelbauer(martin doppelbauer∂kit edu) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Geimer (marcus.geimer∂
- Study Program Service and Examination Committee: The MIT advising teams of the KIT department of ETITare your contact for all general questions regarding the degree program, the course of studies and administrative procedures. They are also your first point of contact for inquiries or applications to the Examination Board (Study Program Service ETIT (Building 10.91, Room 223.1), email: bachelor-info∂
- Internship Office MIT: For questions about professional internships, students should contact the Internship Office of the ETIT faculty (e-mail: praktikantenamt∂
- Student Services (email: studserv-team4∂
- Student Council: Working Group Mechatronics and Information Technology (AK-MIT)

Information on application and admission, statutes and regulations, ...
KIT degree program page
Information, advice and service on examination regulations and the course of studies, examinations, recognition of external achievements, concerns of the Bachelor Examination Board, ...
Bachelor Program Service MIT